Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's the Hormone........I think

Lately, aq senang sgt nangis n get too emotional

Hanya disbbkan something yg remeh-temeh je
I used to be a very strong n kinda stubborn
But now, even benda kecil pon mampu buat aq tears up

Such as:

1. hearing news bout throwing babies in the drain n toilet bowl ...
    it kinda make me sad cause I love babies soooo much
   When the paper show the pics......I get moved, I cry.....n pissed off
   how could they throw the babies just like that??? I couldn't even pinch at them
   What I could say is just swearing n wish that those who treat the babies like that will regret n repend..... for
    heaven sake! I wish there's no more babies will be thrown

( dpt bygkan x? brape jm baby ni da mcm ni?? Ya Allah tolong rahmati baby ni, i'm totally moved by this pic)

2. my best friend b'day is coming, aq tulislah surat wish b'day utk dier.....mase aq tulis tu aq menangis!
    klakar en.....lawak gler bile aq pikir, tapi mase tu aq tgh ade feeling sbb tu ar
    aq thnx her cause she's the best friend ever! dier x kesah walaupun aq ni x cantek, kaye, baik....she
    always there, I love her with all my heart.........Tuhan je tau betapa aq appreciate sgt n bersyukur sgt sbb
    dpt kawan macam dier........God knows

3. baru2 ni ade sukantara final.....i got chose utk lontar peluru wakil wira, n guess what? Aq x dpt lepas 3.5 
    meter pon, I rase cam useless gler cause I could try better....Nape aq bagi nervous tu menguasai diri aq??
    mmg totally rase cam x gune.... Lepas lontar peluru tu, aq ngn Jee gi tgk yg lompat tinggi.....Ade sorang
    budak, Form 1 I think, she's about to crying you know...... she try her best, and she's at her limit , but she
    try! and try and keep trying... da lebih 3 kali die stop dpn palang sbb dier rase cam x yakin....mase tu aq 
    rase cam nk nanges " Nape la aq x cube mcm die??? Even Form 1 is better than me.....I'm totally sucks!"
    and I endup crying gak... I cry a lot! cause aq syg ngn Wira sesangat, aq ni senang sayang benda n aq bile
    da sayang aq akan setia! Mase dorang announce yg Wira kalah road run tu pon aq nk nanges sbb aq x
    dpt sumbang mata..... Wira, even kalo kalah pon, aq x tetap sokong nyer! HIDUPP WIIRAA!!!

Aq rase sbb aq senang nanges mungkin imbalance hormone atau pon hormone wanita semakin bertmbah....well, I dunno

Satu je aq harap.... aq x nak slalu nanges sbb aq x suke tunjuk kelemahan aq kat org len! aq x suke org sympathy or anything kat aq...I hate it!! soo damn much! Aq nk jadik stroong as I used to be
Aq x suke org tgk aq nanges..... Itu menunjukkan aq ni seorang yg lemah! Aq nk jadi seorang perempuan yg kuat! Lagi kuat dr my friend cause kalau aq x kuat, mcm mane nk jage mak ayah?? adik2???

I hafta be STRONG.... Strong girl, strong

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