Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ada Sesape Kenal Saya X ?

Pernah tak korang rase x de sape kenal diri korang?

Rase cam keseorangan je.......pernah x?

Pernah tak korang rase orang slalu berpura2 kenal korang?

Dan pernah tak dalam seumur hidup korang pikir yang alangkah bagusnye kalo ade org yang paham diri korang?

Kalo x penah, bagos la. Kalo pernah, same la kite!

Pernah jadi satu kejadian dimane seseorang ni ckp,

" aku knal ko sesangt la, "

Ish3........mane lah dier tahu diri aku ni?

Penipu tau tak namenye tu.

Kalo ko kenal sesgt ngn aku, ko x kan sesekali tuduh aku mencuri.

Kalo ko kenal dengn aku, ko x kan pernh ckp yang aku ni buruk walaupun sememangnye aku buruk sebab ko mesti tau yg aku x suke org ckp camtu, lagipun, ade ke org suke kwn dier ckp camtu?

Last skali, kalo ko kenal aku, paling sikit pon ko mesti tau makann kegemaran aku.

Hahaha, kalo aku tanya maknn kegemaran aku, ko tau nk jwb x?

Punye la byk 'kalo' yang tlah aku gunekan.

Penat tangan aku naip tau x. Ni ko nye pasal ar ni.

Pernah x ade org terckp bende yg ade dlm otak ko?

Mesti pernah en....antara sengaje atau tidak

Tapi x pernah ade org yg pernah bace isi hati aku.

Accidentally or not. Susah ke nk kenal aku?

Aku rase aku dah bagi banyak peluang kat ko supaya dpt kenal diri aku

Aku bukannye macam mesin basuh yang byk button ngan kene guna byk elektrik

Aku ni terrsgt lah simple

Ko je yg x nak kenal aku.

This is who I really am :-

Aku seorang yang sngt rendah diri kalo dekat ngn org , self esteem aku tersgt rendah sampai aku malu nk ckp ngn kawan sejantina.

Aku seorang yang agak jujur pada masa yg sama suke tipu org. (tipu:70% jujur:30%)

Aku seorang yang sensitif, kalo tgk bersamamu gerenti nanges punya. tu sbb aku x suke tgk, ksian wooo

Aku jugk seorang yg suke budak2, dan baby

Aku suke tgk muke orang senyum, ketawa dan happy

Aku pentingkan kawan dan keluarga

Aku sayang sedara aku

Aku jarng tunjuk perasaan aku yg sebenar.

Aku seorng suke berckp....suke sgt, tapi dgn org2 tertentu

Aku akan diam kalo aku nk diam

Aku akan diam bila ade bende mengganggu aku (bukan jin , ok)

Aku akan marah kalo ko berputus asa, sbb aku rase org camni mmg x guna

Aku akan sedih kalo ko ade masalah yg aku x dpt selesaikan

Aku akan nangis kalo aku dengar masalah berat yg korang alami

Aku benci budak yang talam due muka

Aku benci org yg pura2 tak tahu

Dan akhir sekali, aku benci org yg x hormat org tue dan tgk bende x senonoh/lucah.

Perkara terakhir tu mmg aku tekankan sangat2!

Selamat Hari Raya Sume

Mood aku dah hilang
Aku rasa tak bersemangat nak raya
Padahal baru 1 jam tadi aku pergi shopping dengan umi
Beli seluar, beli selipar, beli tuala baru (tuala aku dah koyak la)
And the next hour, aku sedang murung
Sebabnya? Huh...
Hanya disebabkan satu perkataan yang datangnya dari orang yang tidak sepatutnya,
Dan kelakuan seseorang yang amat menyakitkan hati aku.
Dan dengan kedua-dua sebab ini, aku tak dapat beraya dengan gembira ditambah dengan hati aku yang sakit yang amat sebab perkara2 ini.

Kenapa masa ini?
Padahal baru semalam aku tidur di rumah atuk ............. yang membuatkan aku bersemangat sangat2 nak raya.
Dan apa penyelesaiannya? Supaya aku dapat mengembalikan mood aku.
Aku tak nak moody je sepanjang perjalanan balik.
That's so not me.

OK, aku dah habis luahkan perasaan. Harap tak ada orang kutuk aku ye.
Dan SELAMAT HARI RAYA kepada semua :D

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

HARRY POTTER * already addicted

Aku bukan nak kata aku dah tengok movie dia.
But the opposite.
I've read the book ONLY.
Rendah diri kottttt
Orang len tgk citer, aq bace buku je

Nak wat camne en....mak aku ni mmg x suke anak dier gi tgk wayang, shopping mall dgn kengkawan + lepak umah kawan.
Sabo je la...

Ok....abis part rendah diri ni.
Aku nk komen pasai buku tu lak
Aku habiskn dalam mase satu minggu!
Amik ko.....lame x? Tu pon mase rehat aku bace, mase tunggu van aku bace, mase jln pon aku bace.
Betapa sukenya aku kat Harry tu.....hehehe

Aku hampeee sesgt sbb x dpt tgk muke dier.....dpt bace isi hati dier je. mane puehhh!
Yang pasti, citer tu berjya membuat aku meleleh lebih dari 1 kali.
First mase dier jumpe surat yg mak dier tulis. Menyedihkan hati jantanku :P
Second mase Dobby mati.
Third mase dier nmpk mak dier, bapak dier, + Lupin mase nk gi surrender
Sedih ar care dier tulis tu.
Lwak pon ade. Byk. Aku suke sesgt.
Ade part aku meleleh sambil tersenyum.
Sesape yg x boleh tgk citer kat wayang boleh bace buku dier ek.
Dijamin halal....ceh2, dijamin best gler gler gler
" menggamit memori " (klasik nasional*bergema*)Sape yg x penah tukar channel radio ni mmg x paham.

Part yang aku paling suke.......erm....sume aku suke. Tapi yg paling aku suke, part dier dlm forest ngn Hermione ngn Ron + mase wedding Fleur ngn Bill + mase Hogwarts lawan Voldemort n his armyyyy.
Bapak best!!
Ayat yang aku x leh lupe ,

Harry cakap kat PakCik dia, Vernon : " Are you stupid just as you look? "

Kreacher ckp kat Harry, mase Harry tgh interrogate Mundungus : '' Just once more, Master Harry, for luck? "

lol! lawak gler seyh.....mungkin saper yg x penah bace/tgk x paham. x pe, aku pahamkan..............esok luse je la. Ni cara aku promosi Harry Potter. Mungkin ade yg tgh menyumpah aku...... :p,nak wat camne en.......Aq nk sume tgk/bace Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.


Sebenarnya, aku kene bace balik part Hallows yg citer dak kecik tu. Sbb mule2 aku paham separuh je. Aku nak paham semuanyaa! So, aku bace lagi part tu. X de la bace dari awal. X de keje ke.

Okay, biar aku komen sensorang. Orang yg terpilih je boleh dikomen.

Harry :- So damn good !

Ron :- Just love his character. Kesian gler kat dier mase part nk hancurkan Horcrux tu. Locket bengap , zalim tu! Grrhh! Kejam...!

Hermione :- Sweet gler ar mase dier nanges sbb Ron pergi dr hiding place dorang. And she's the brilliant-est girl i've ever known in novels. Kengkadang memang aku dgn dier.

Voldemort :- Hahahaha......Serves you right! *ok, tu je la

Narcissa :- thnx god dier pentingkan anak dier.

Snape :- Kesian yang amat.......kerana.......dibunuh. *sebelom caci dier, tgk citernye dulu ek

Lupin & Tonks :- Married.....dan ade anak. Kesian gler! Sbb dier mati. Kesian anak dier...:(

Fred :- Sorry for losing an ear! You n ur twin were so funny, love uuuu!!!

Ginny :- U'r soooo lucky to have him.!!

ok.....tu je yg sempat nk komen. Yg len tu jgn kecik ati ek. Nk tido ni.
Ending dier............tgk la sendiri ek!!
Sesape yg dah tgk, jgn la ckp ngn aku,nnti aku jeles.....n now i am!
Ade lebih kurang 5 or lebih kengkawan aku yg dah tgk..... :'(
>:( .....tht really pissed me off leeerrrr. Sbb aku x sanggop. Aku nk tgk harry rambur panjg.

okok.....cauuu!!!! Tgk tau! X pon bace citer kat buku. Rugi glerrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Albi Nadak- Seruan Hatiku

Hanya padamu...
Diri ini hanya milikmu
Datanglah dekat
Air mataku mengalir
Mengharapkan mu

Hanya padamu...
Dan jiwaku padamu
Wahai kasihku usia kita,usiaku
Seluruh hidupku untukmu

Cintamu adalah hayatku
Dirimu buat kita bercinta sebenar2 cinta
Hatiku disini, keindahanmu millikku
Jadi bersatu

Hatiku memanggil
Harapkan engkau sentiasa kekal
Hanya dirimu
Selepas bertahun lihatlah sayang
Kita berjumpa di sini dan bersama
Airmataku mengalir keranamu
Engkaulah kekasih, hidupku hanya untukmu
Seluruh hidupku, usiaku..
Kerna matamu, aku serahkan segalanya

Apa yang daku harapkan
Indahnya kau disisi bersamaku selamanya
Katakanlah kepadaku..
Diri ini..sekian lama mengharapkan
Hati ini, perasaan ini
Bersama hati dan perasaanmu

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pegi Umah Atok

Assalamualaikum *jwb salam ye

Hari ni, lepas basuh kete sejak dari pagi, * umi upah 20 hengget :)
Kitorang sekeluarga gi umah atok
Dah lame x lawat atok, semenjak ayah patah kaki.
Dalam 4-5 bulan.

Ontheway tu, kitorang beli putu bambu dan durian
Iwan ngn Jijah + Ucop siap turun rase durian free lagi
Aq je x turun. sbb? segan jumpe atok
Mane x nye, dulu penah skali atok tego nape dh lame x balik.

Mase atok masok hospital pon aq x gi.
Hari ke 2 ke hari ke 3 baru aq dtg melawat
Bukan aq x nak, aq nak! Tapi x tau nape setan mase tu gak la gune weapon terhebat dier. Mungkin sumpit yang dah dijampi kot.
Sampai aku sanggop kate '' x nak la ikot'' mase umi ajak.
Betape bongok je aq mase tu.

Mase hari yg lawat atok kat hospital pon bukan aq dok kat tepi atok
Aq nyorok kat tangge
The truth cari tmpt utk nanges,
Opah, kecil ati ngn aq sbb x jengok :'(
Pastu x sanggop tgk atok cucuk2 jarum kat p'gelangn tgn
Atok terbaling lesu ( ceh, ayat )
Aq tgk pon mmg rase nk nanges
Dah byk kali aq kuar masok wad.
:p lwak pon x tau nape sensitif sgt

Pastu, beberapa bulan yg lepas baru aq tau atok ade wat operation
Operate x tau pon......lepas bbrp hari ( 5 hari lepas operate ) baru aq tau
Rase cam x gune je aku ni
Ape punye cucu la en

okok. back to the topic,
Lepas dah sampai tu, aq masok la, nk salam atok ngn opah
Lepas aq salam atok, atok tros paling belakang
Aq dengar atok teresak-esak
Pastu opah ckp atok rindu ngn cucu dier
Dah lame x jenguk atok
X ingtkan atok ke

Seyes.....hati aq rase something
There's something in my throat
Blocking me to .....speak
Rase sebak gler2 ar
Rase cam ade batu stuck kat kerongkong.

Pastu aq mintak diri pegi toilet.
Dlm tu, aq nanges puas.
Tapi senyap2 ar, katil atok dekat ngn tandas,
kalo ade org dgr....naye
Due kali aq gi tandas. Tenangkan diri

Lepas tu, atok dah ok sket.
Mule2 atok dgr je aq ckp.
Pastu baru atok bagi respon sket
Wlaupon sket, ttpi aq syukur sesangat.

Aq ckp pasal aq dapt no 6 dlm klas
Pastu atok nasihat jgn riak, usaha lagi....
Aq ckp pasal kengkawan.....pasal sekolah
Byk la aq ckp.....sampai x ingt pe dier
Makin byk aq ckp, makin byk la nasihat atok bagi.

Yang buat aq gembira ialah,
Bile aq ckp aq dpt 4A, atok congrate aq. Atok nmpk hepi. Bangge.
Terharu dowh. Aq ade la gak rase sket bangge. Hehe
Umi ngn ayah x penah wat camtu kat aq.
Walaupon dpt no.1 dlm klas.
Umi kate, anak umi sume pandai2

Ucop lak......x len x bukan bodek atok dgn urutan-x-rase-pape dier
Aq x tau camne dier urut. =='

Durian, nk aje aq melantak sume, tapi dah kenyang mkn kat umah
Durian jgn ckp ar. Seblom ni mmg x terkire bape bijik aq kopek
Gler nikmat...ALLAH je tau betape bestnye feeling bukak durian
Tapi hari tu, aq x makan. Aq makan putu bambu je
Durian, ayah, umi, iwan, poksu, jijah, mak su, mek, ucop, aida je makan
Best tgk dorang makan........kepon je. Pasal durian pon boleh gado
Pasal x dpt bukak pon boleh kecoh satu rumah
Durian x leh bukak, ade yg kate muda lagi la......kene ayat2 dulu la, ape la
Padahal salah pangse je. Last2 opah yg bukak....ape daaa pak su ni.


Aq rindu mase aq kecik
Atok kejar aq ngn paip sbb ckp mende x elok
Garang en atok aq.
Gler garang........jgn men2 ko, paip gas tu. keras tau x

Kalo aq gado ngn adek badek aq, atok akan pukul
Aq ingt lagi sume tu.
Mase opah ajar ngaji, atok yg tgh bace surat khabar/ duduk kat kerusi akan ikot same
Kalo ade kesalahan atok betolkan.

Aq harap sgt aq dpt suami mcm atok. X sebijik pon x pe. cukup la dier solat 5 waktu. Kuat iman.
Atokkkk.....sayang sgt kat atok. Semoga atok sehat selalu.

Assalamualaikum. :) *jwb slm ye

Friday, July 1, 2011


this is veryyyyyyyyy recommended one!

super cute babies, hilarious part , touching part n sweet scenes....!

.......u're the one at lost.........

ok, the charactersssss :-

1. kotarou ( cutest eva )

he's always love his bro

sooo sweet!

kind hearted obaa-san

Hari Koperasi :((((

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Reason Why We Cant Read Others Mind

I've been longing to have a mind-reading power
Cuz I thought it was cool
There's a story bout a man tht has the ability to read minds
And it does look impressive

But at the end of the story,
The man read his friend mind
And guess what he got?
His friend plotting on something
That will take him down

And tht was awful
I want to have such a power
But when thinking tht we might be reading our friends thought
I couldnt think anything positive

They might be hating you in the inside
They might be dislike you for being bright and brilliant

Truth are painful
We might get hurt
Therefore, I prefer lies
If truth were tht hurting

I do think tht others have their own opinion
So, stay with yours
Even if my judgement is different than yours
Its okay cuz everyone have their own mind
Mind tht think differently from the others

Just amagine,
You reading other minds
It does sound great ,huh
But in reality, it doesnt

In reality,
People are hating each other
Stabbing other in the back
Pretending to be nice with others

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lawatan ke Wetlandsss! (3 hari 2 malam)

Last week, kelas KRK mengadakan lawatan sambil belajar ke Wetlands, Dengkil, Selangor.
Satu hari seblom pegi aq jatuh sakit.....pening2, muntah2....
Tapi esoknye...hari nk gi Wetlands, aq da aq dpt pegi! yeyeyeye

Aq bertolak lebih kurang kul 2.45
Sebenarnye kul 2 bertolak , tapi dsbbkn solat jumaat hari tu, jadi lmbt sket ar
Dah tu aq lmbt gler.....mase smpai skolah, sume dah naik bas.....thnk god dorang tunggu, even dorang tau ade kemungkinn aq x dtg sbb sakit semalam.

Sampai kat Wetland kire2 kul 3 setgh
Sampai2 je dorang bagi taklimat.....n Koko jadik penyambut tetamu, sooo sweet
FYI, Koko is an otter.....male one, shoooo cute duuhhh!
Lepas bagi taklimat, kitorang pegi makan.
Belibis Cafe.....gler best wooo, air ade 5 jenis lemon tea juice ( air kosong sejuk )
4.air kosong
5. air panas

Lepas makan, kitorang pegi letakkn barang kat dorm
Amik masa nk bhgikn tmpat, at last, kitorang dok kat dorm laki
N the boys went to the chalet.....x kn nk dok ngn kitorang, gler x senonoh

Friday, April 29, 2011

Tewas Akhirnya...T___T

Setelah seminggu x menghadap fb,blog, comic web.....
Aku akhirnya kalah!!!
Baru seminggu. Sebenarnya target 1 month....
Aiyaaaa....memalukan btol

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Asyik Asyik mende tuuuu je!

Mende ni mule hari Sabtu lepas.

Lepas balik skolah aq bace ar majalah sekolah...ulang bace
Byk ckp pasal friendship .... hargai kengkawan
Pastu aq bace komik.....pasal kawan!
Ishhh! Bengang tau x! Benda yg aq paling x nk bincang yg aq slalu jumpa.

Hari Ahad plak, aq blog-walking
They talk bout beloved friend dorang
R u kidding me? Friendship again?

Boring bkk kom, aq tgk tv
Tertukar channel 9
Mase tu citer Dora The Explorer
Aq ingtkn citer camni x kan ungkit pasal friendship. ....tapi dia ada gak
Tau ape tema episode ni?
Best Friend day!
Dora tgh gi destination carik Boots
Pastu dier jumpa Friendship star....!
and the, blah...blah...blah
n aq tutup TV

Ni hidayah ke? Macam ye je
Bile tgk mende ni aq plak rase bersalah
Masalahnye, aq ke yg salah?
Aq x tau aq salah ke x!
Seyes aq x tau.... somebody, bagi advice!
Aq sesgt perlukan nasihat drpd orang len
Sbb aq ni x pandai ar ttg friendship ni

Aq pon ade maruah!
Aq pon ade harga diri!
Bile org slhkan aq, x kan aq nk diam je!
No way!

Slame ni aq diam....x b'maksud aq ni x kesah kay!
I do. Tapi sbb aq x nk layan mende camni
Nanti boleh gadoh satu negara

Memang zahirnye aq ni nmpk pemalas
Mmg dari luaran aq nmpk happy n cool ( cool ke? bueekk! pasan )
Tapi pernah ko tgk aq, mase aq tgh wat h/w?
Penah ko tgk aq , mase aq bagi full comitment?

Kalo x penah, jgn nk ckp pape ar
Bile aq kate sorry n then, diam je
Ko mule nak marah2
Ko pikir aq tak pening ke?

Aq pening !
Dah 2 hari aq demam , tapi aq x gi tau mak ayah aku
Sebab: kalo demam , aq x leh gi skolah!
aq nk gi skolah! sbb aq nk jumpe korang
Even kalo kat skolah x wat pape, aq still nk gi skolah
Sbb kat skolah ade korang

Boleh x ko jgn memarah camni?
Aq stress tau ...... dah la mak ayah aq busy, aq kene jaga adik2
Penat ar.....

Aku menangis tadi, bukan sbb tgk citer Hindustan sedih mahupun bace komik yg sedih
Tapi sbb aq rase stress! Aq teringt ade sorang kawan aq yg nasib dier gler malang (sori x leh ckp masalah dier )
Dier tepon aq....dier ckp la masalah dier
Dah la aq ni x pndai nk pujuk org....inikn nak bagi nasihat
Aq dgr dan bagi nasihat yg mcm ustazah aq ajar je la

Aq dgr masalah dier, tapi saper dgr masalah aq?
Aq nk seseorang yg boleh dgr masalah aq tnpa bagitau org len
Aq rase stress bile tanggung sorang2
I hate this feeling so fu*king much!

Aku nk kongsi ngn kengkawan
Tapi mcm ade walls yg halang
Aq penah try skali, but x berjaya
Aq still ade rase burden
Bukanlah maksud aq yg kwn aq tu membebankan

Cume bile dier ckp wrong timing.
Mase aq ade lotsss of problem baru lah dier cakap
Mase aq x de problem x de plak dier ckp
Bala....bala .....

And bile aq gadoh ngn kawan, kepala aq makin pening
Makin rase nak terputus
Kengkadang aq rase baik aq hantok je kepala kat dinding
Biar sume wayar2 yg tersimpul tu putus tros
Tapi tu kire bunuh diri...
X nk aq masok neraka
Sia-sia je mak aq lahirkan aq
Aq nk jadik anak yg membanggakan ibu bapa! ( slh masok tajok ek. sorry! )

Aq pernah dgr pepatah inggeris

" Love me or hate me, but dont ignore me "

Kalo ko nk cintakan aq , aq x kesah ( ko nak ke? wekkk! geli aq bygkan )
Benci la aq kalo ko rela
Dari ko duduk dekat ngn aq tapi ko ignore aq

Aku sayang sume kawan2 aq. mmg aq x tunjuk sgt ( masih x caye aq ckp sume ni, geli sio* )
Tapi aq sgtttt syg kengkwan aq
Memang mase aq dajah 4, mase mule2 masok skolah rendah aq ade byk kwan
Tapi dorang tinggalkan aq....mase aq tukar klas
Korang dpt rase x perasaan aq? 
Kwan2 dr dajah 4 hingga 5, buat cam x kenal ngn korang?
Mase aq tegor pon dorang cam amnesia je
Dorang mmg totally lupa pasal aq

Mase aq masok klas 6 Anggerik tu, Kaliswary is my best friend. Villa n Akram
Tu je aq rase kawan aq ..... yg len mcm kenalan
Ko dpt rase x perasaan aq? Ko x kan dpt rase.....sbb ko mmg ade kwn sejak kecik
Kwn kecik aq sume dah jauh......

Sorang je kawan yg dr dulu x penah lupakn aq dn tinggalkn aq
Besar jasa dier....... aq x tau camne nk balas
Disbbkn keegoan  aq, aq hilang sorang kawan
kwan yg slalu ade mase aq ngn Wan still geng
Aq menyesal sgt...........
Sebaik Wan still temankn aq

Aq x nk hilang kawan lagi
Aq ni x pandai buat kawan
Mungkin ko tgk aq ni cam peramah je
Tapi sebenarnye x.
Aku paling x tau n elergic nk buat kawan
Sbb aq takot kawan aq tinggalkn aq
Aq x nk pisang berbuah dua kali (fulamak! ecah makin maju nih.jap...btol ke peribahasa ni? taram aje la )
Tu aq nk jaga kawan yg aq ade skang ni sebaik mungkin
Aq nk simpan memori ni sampai aq dah mati
Aq takot aq mati mase gadoh ngn kawan
Aq x de peluang lak nk mintak maaf
Kalo aq dah mati pon, aq nk korang simpan memori yg bek2 je pasal aq
X kan kalo teringt aq, ko ingt mende burok2
X cool ar

Biar la ko ingt aq ni seorang yg baik (pdahal x bek pon)
Biar la ko ingt aq ni seorang yg kuning (mmg kuning pon)
Biar la korang ingt aq ni seorang yg rajin (aq gernti ko x kn ingt aq camtu nye. kalo ko ingt aq camtu, mesti ko terhantuk mana2 ni)


but, tolong jgn pressured aq .
Cuz i've had enough problem around me
and i dont want to make it more

Theee enddd!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Tadi aq dgr jiran2 tgh ckp2....
Aq ingt kan kenapa, rupenye sbb kucing

X dpt dgr ngn jelas
Pastu ayah kuar tanye kenapa?

Lepas 10 minit ayah masok gelak2
Aq pon pelik ar..
Pastu aq tanye nape bising2 kat luar
Ayah kate kucing gadoh2 kat umah jiran seblah

Aq pelik la....nape kucing gadoh nk glak?? x de lawak dah ke kat dunia ni?
Pastu ayah ckp la,

Kucing tu tgh gadoh, pastu yg sorang tu nk terberak.......
Pastu dier lari la......berak cicir-cicir
Jadik la kucing tu berlari mase berak
Yang parahnye berak kat umah jiran aq

Nak wat camne en....dah takdir kucing tu berak berlari
Kucing tu pon x nk berak camtu skali.....


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


There are many types of faces in the world
There gloomy,cheerful,fear,arrogant, and etc....

But do you know what lies within the faces?
Within the sad gloomy face?
Within the cheerful happy face?
Or within the arrogant and cocky face?

Do you really knows??

There are hundreds posibilities ....
We cant judge people just based on that

We dont know what secrets lies in it....


The cheerful face is just to cover up the sadness
The arrogant face is to prevent themselves from suffering or hurting

The gloomy face is because something happen to her


We dont know
And we wouldnt know until she/he spill it

Dont think that a lively happy people dont have problems
Dont think arrogant people is cocky without reason......there must be one! reason tht make them acted like that......
We just dont know


There's love within that cold-hearted
There's lonely side within that cheerful face
There's something that you're missing
And it's FRIENDS

Friends can make us forget all the problems, even for a while
Friends can make us happy, even for the time being
Friends can make us felt being appreciated and loved
Friends is just a great thing

Even for a while, even for a least we're happy......


Dont pick on people
Maybe she is beautiful
Maybe she is smart
Maybe she is wealthy


Is she a good friend?
Is she understanding friend?
Is she would help you out when you're in trouble?

If she dont then, she's not Miss Right

Search for true friend

Though she's a naive girl
Though she's a shortie lil girl
Though she's an idiot or unpopular
She might be the best and true friend


She's the one who would volunteer to help you out
She's the one who would comfort you when you're in trouble
She's the one who would give you an advice when you need it
And she will sincerely tell the truth......

When you find that person, treasure her.........
Cause, true friend only come once
And true friend is about trustworthy, sharing and caring each other


Love my friends n wish we're together forever

Friday, March 25, 2011


Siti Khadijah binti Khuwailid bin Asad bin Abdul Uzza bin Qushai berasal dari golongan pembesar Mekah. Beliau berkahwin dengan Nabi Muhamad S.A.W. ketika umur beliau 40 tahun dam Nabi Muhamad S.A.W. berumur 25 tahun.

Tadi saya tgk Halaqah, dorang tgh berbincang ttg isteri Nabi yg pertama ini.
Isteri inilah yg paling disayangi oleh Nabi kita.
Siti Khadijah sgt disayangi sehinggakan selepas beliau wafat pon Nabi masih menyebut2 akan kebaikan beliau.
Hal ini menyebabkan Siti Aisyah, berasa cemburu. Pada suatu hari Siti Aisyah bertanyakan sbb Siti Khadijah diingati oleh baginda walaupun sesudah wafat. Dan Nabi memberi 3 sebab :-

1. Siti Khadijah orang yang palingku sayang
2. Siti Khadijah orang yang taat beriman kepadaku
3. Siti Khadijah membenarkan dakwahku tatkala yg lain menidakkannya.

Jelas sekali bahawa Siti Khadijah amat disayangi dan hargai oleh Rasulullah
Siti Khadijah ialah perempuan Islam yang paling saya hormati dan kagumi kerana beliau amat taat kepada Allah, Islam Nabinya dan suaminya.

Siti Khadijah bersama-sama Nabi mengharungi cabaran dan tentangan org Kafir. Beliau tidak berputus asa akan Nabi Muhammad dan sentiasa menyokong dan mendorong Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

Disaat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. berasa gusar atau gelisah, beliau akan menenangkan Nabi, melunakkan suara dengan memberi nasihat kepada baginda dan sentiasa dibelakang Nabi semasa ditentang keras oleh Quraisy.

Betapa Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. sgt menyayanginya......
Dan sebanyak itulah yg disumbang oleh Siti Khadijah
Sumbangannya tidak terkira......kerana selepas wafat pon Nabi Muhammad S.A.W masih mengingati dan menyayanginya....

Ya Allah.....Kau jadikanlah aq sekuat Siti Khadijah yang tabah menempuhi tentangan bersama-sama Nabi Muhammad, Kau cekalkanlah aq secekal Siti Khadijah yang cekal mengharungi dugaan dan Kau jadikanlah aq setaat Siti Khadijah....taat kepada Allah , Nabinya dan suaminya....

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Huugaa Huggaaa!!

I hate exam!! ( just b'coz i'm bad in study )

Wish I'm in stone age.....
No need to study n whatsoever
Just eat, play, hunt and sleep

No need to study geography ( soo damn difficult! , i'm bad in remembering things....god!)
No need to memorize body organs lables ( hate science )
No need to memorize math formula ( + , - n what else huh?? )

If I were in the stone age....
What would I do???

Hunting for the deer?? or maybe dinasour??
Or maybe drawing pisc on walls.....( i've never done tht n like hell i would! )
Or maybe eating a super extra chicken drumstick???
Or maybe I'll be eaten by the tyrannosaurus??

Well, I dunno.

After thinking for a looonngggg time ( actually its only 3 minutes )
I eventually think tht living in the present is better
B'coz! :-

1. The Internet is my life n soul maaaa
2. There's no air cond in stone age
3. Where on earth I'll be living?? in the cave?? oh no..
4. And my friends will be speaking in a weird stupid language ( hugaa...huggaaa!! )
5. Clothes?? I'll never wearing tht kinda stuff kay!

So, its better in the modern era.....cause its way more comfortable

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


"The person I like sits next to me. I don't have the courage to start a conversation with him, but I wonder if he'll notice the message I secretly wrote for him on my left hand."

Nishino has been sitting next to the most popular guy in her class, Minami Taiga. Nishino loves Minami, for the main reason that Nishino has always been ignored or made-fun of by her classmates except for Minami. One day, Minami notices the messages that Nishino has been writing on her left hand, which kindles a new connection between them.



Emi a writer of short stories is in love with Tsuzuki from the art club. She finds herself writing him love letter after love letter, but will she ever give him one?

LOVE BERRISH! ( manga )

15-year-old Fukushima Yuuya has always wanted to live on her own, in an inn next to her school. This new dorm of hers, the Strawberry Tree Dorm, turns out to be a place with weird people--a girl that touches her chest out of the blue, a guy with one of the shortest tempers ever. BUT the good thing is, there's a really handsome and nice guy that she fell in love with instantly! Not to mention a crazy cat who adores him (looks can be deceiving...). Yuuya's life has just become much more interesting...


FLY HIGH! ( manga )

Meru Tachibana, 12 years old. She's just returned back to Tokyo after 7 years of training with her father, who thought she was a boy! Now Meru is stronger than most guys, and she's doing her best to make sure that people don't find out, or else her chances of making friends is ruined! However, a group of eighth graders seem insistant on making that impossible, as they break the rules and pick on the weak. Will Meru be able to stop them as the new student council president without appearing to be a "Monster Melt King" as her mother has warned?

ARISA ( manga )

For years the rash tomboyish Tsubasa had communicated with her twin through letters. She had formed the idea that the gentle Arisa led a joyful school life. But upon Arisa's sudden suicide attempt, Tsubasa vows to find the reason behind her twin's actions by taking her place at school. But will this supposed joyful life be too much for Tsubasa to handle? What does it have to do with the people disappearing from Arisa's school...


I’m Anna. I’m 14 years old and I’ve just entered the ninth grade. Sou and Hinata, who live in the same apartment complex as me, are my childhood friends and we’re all the same age. I thought that from now on we’d become even closer friends, but then my senior came! I don't know what to do!


BLUE ( manga )

Chiba Kozue :

Mimi comes back from Tokyo to visit and meet her childhood friends. Seems like they are worried about Mimi for the sudden visit. Seems like she's heartbroken when her boyfriend broke up with her. To lift her spirits her friends try to find the legendary blue cat that has a bell attached to its tail. Legend says it will grant your wish, but will this cat even help what Mimi is going through?

HIYOKOI ( manga )

Even though she is 15 years old, Hiyori is very small. She is only 140cm / 4'7", and she is very shy.
After an accident, she didn't go to school for a year... But now she is back, how will her clasmates treat her? Will she find friends and maybe even more?"


Nagareboshi Lens

A person who "sparkles" is the person you like, Risa believes. All her classmates have someone who "sparkles," so she feels distant from her class. It's just another normal day...until class 2's Yuugure Touga says she looks like she's sparkling!?

Dear My Girl ( manga )

Elizabeth March is one of four daughters from a prestigious family. The only reason she stands out from her sisters' extraordinary beauty and talent is because she's talentless. After her acceptance into the same academy all her sisters are at, Elizabeth encountered a chain of interesting things including getting off at the wrong start with a rich boy named Adrian.

Kimi Ga Suki

Aki has always liked her basketball club friend, Mase. However, she can’t seem to gather her courage to confess to him. On the day when she finally decides to tell him, she is confessed to by a guy from a different Junior High!! A horrible accident follows and Aki finds herself not being able to choose between the two – Mase, whom she truly loves, or Koichi, whom she’ll always feel indebted to…

note: looking forward for it

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hati Budak-budak

Ade satu hari tu, 2
Mase dlm van, ontheway balik umah lepas habis skolah
Aq nmpk ade dua tiga org budak India.....budak laki ngn pompuan
Bout 6 y-o kot

Aq tgk dorang best je men layang2
Even layang2 tu x jadik ( aq rase dorang wat sendiri layang2 tu )
Budak tu lari2 bawak layang n friends dier pon kejar layang2 tu

Walaupon bukan layang2 cantek dan mewah
Dorang still enjoy men layang2 tu
Tgk cam best je, teringin gak nk join
Tapi x reti nk ckp tamil
Kang x pasal2 dorang ingt aq nk buli dorang ke, amik layang2 dorang ke

Hati budak-budak
Suci je.....
Tu la, org kalo nk tanye biar tnye budak2 sbb dier x kan menipu
X macam remaja zaman skang
Kalo dorang kate dorang x penah tipu parents mmg gebang gler ar tu
Ini kan pulak org dewasa lagi bertambah la menipu dier tu

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yeahh, bebbehh!!


Dpat gak aq amik game yg da lame aq kempunan ni

Our praises to Allah....our praises to Allah

Aq maseh excited gler ni
X sabar nk men game yg challenging bagi aq

Rase cam x nk tido je, nk men game smpai habis lak

Tapi exam is coming!!
Hafta study sbb nk dpt top 10 ( at least )

Skang ni murid baru da masok, sume pandai2
Taun lepas aq dpt 3A je
Nk kene improve bagi dpt 5A pon jadik la

Kalo x mau kene ejek ngn adek aq kang
Mane x nyer, aq cabar dorang dpt top 10
Lebih satu ,satu cubit aq sedekah kan...Free je

Kalo tang ngajo budak2 ni mmg susah sket
Kene gune kekerasan baru kelembutan (kalo adek2 aq la)

Tapi slalunye bile aq ngajo x de nye dier nk bagi perhatian, mcm tunggol besi pon ader
Sabo je la

Yang pasti! Aq ttp akan menghukum barang sesiapa yg dpt lebih dr 10
Sper yg fail, mmg aq rotan ..... x kire yg beso ke yg keding, sume aq denda

So, study hard kay!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Kokoro Botan

During the high school entrance ceremony, Koga Eito from the special class helps Kasuga Niina from her poor health. His gentle manner captivates Niina, making her confess her feeling towards him. Thus, the trials in love of this couple begin.

As time passes, Niina finds it difficult to continue loving him since there are instances when he seems to be playing with her feelings. For her, going out with Koga may bring a grim future to her.

rank : ★★★★☆

Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's the Hormone........I think

Lately, aq senang sgt nangis n get too emotional

Hanya disbbkan something yg remeh-temeh je
I used to be a very strong n kinda stubborn
But now, even benda kecil pon mampu buat aq tears up

Such as:

1. hearing news bout throwing babies in the drain n toilet bowl ...
    it kinda make me sad cause I love babies soooo much
   When the paper show the pics......I get moved, I cry.....n pissed off
   how could they throw the babies just like that??? I couldn't even pinch at them
   What I could say is just swearing n wish that those who treat the babies like that will regret n repend..... for
    heaven sake! I wish there's no more babies will be thrown

( dpt bygkan x? brape jm baby ni da mcm ni?? Ya Allah tolong rahmati baby ni, i'm totally moved by this pic)

2. my best friend b'day is coming, aq tulislah surat wish b'day utk dier.....mase aq tulis tu aq menangis!
    klakar en.....lawak gler bile aq pikir, tapi mase tu aq tgh ade feeling sbb tu ar
    aq thnx her cause she's the best friend ever! dier x kesah walaupun aq ni x cantek, kaye, baik....she
    always there, I love her with all my heart.........Tuhan je tau betapa aq appreciate sgt n bersyukur sgt sbb
    dpt kawan macam dier........God knows

3. baru2 ni ade sukantara final.....i got chose utk lontar peluru wakil wira, n guess what? Aq x dpt lepas 3.5 
    meter pon, I rase cam useless gler cause I could try better....Nape aq bagi nervous tu menguasai diri aq??
    mmg totally rase cam x gune.... Lepas lontar peluru tu, aq ngn Jee gi tgk yg lompat tinggi.....Ade sorang
    budak, Form 1 I think, she's about to crying you know...... she try her best, and she's at her limit , but she
    try! and try and keep trying... da lebih 3 kali die stop dpn palang sbb dier rase cam x yakin....mase tu aq 
    rase cam nk nanges " Nape la aq x cube mcm die??? Even Form 1 is better than me.....I'm totally sucks!"
    and I endup crying gak... I cry a lot! cause aq syg ngn Wira sesangat, aq ni senang sayang benda n aq bile
    da sayang aq akan setia! Mase dorang announce yg Wira kalah road run tu pon aq nk nanges sbb aq x
    dpt sumbang mata..... Wira, even kalo kalah pon, aq x tetap sokong nyer! HIDUPP WIIRAA!!!

Aq rase sbb aq senang nanges mungkin imbalance hormone atau pon hormone wanita semakin bertmbah....well, I dunno

Satu je aq harap.... aq x nak slalu nanges sbb aq x suke tunjuk kelemahan aq kat org len! aq x suke org sympathy or anything kat aq...I hate it!! soo damn much! Aq nk jadik stroong as I used to be
Aq x suke org tgk aq nanges..... Itu menunjukkan aq ni seorang yg lemah! Aq nk jadi seorang perempuan yg kuat! Lagi kuat dr my friend cause kalau aq x kuat, mcm mane nk jage mak ayah?? adik2???

I hafta be STRONG.... Strong girl, strong

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Someone You Love

Everyone has their loved one
Their mom, dad, sis, bros, friend n partner

When your beloved one in trouble
Surely you would protecting him/she ,right?

When your beloved one in pain
Of course you want to do something to reduce the pain , right?

And when your beloved is crying
Of course you're thinking of comforting her/him or lend her/him your shoulder , right?

And so do I
I hurt when I see my beloved in hurt
I felt useless when I cant do anything to help her/ him

What can I do is ....................... nothing, just watch her/him in pain

It's way more difficult than Math

It's wayyyy more difficult than wateva works

Cause it's your beloved one we're dealing here

If it takes my life to save my beloved one,

I would...... with all my heart

I'll be happy seeing him/her smiling with happy bright face
I'll be happy seeing hiim/her safe wherever she's
I'll be happy if she's happy

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is it the Walls?

You and I were getting far away,
Why it has to be like this?

We use to share things together
But now, it seems akward
I cant really share things with you anymore

Who make this walls?
When did it has been there?
What make them there?

Too many things are in my head

And now, I'm getting scared
I'm getting insecure
Scared if you leave me

There's like a very big rock stuck in my throat
Why cant I just say it?
Say that we've change

Who's changing right now?
Me or you?

If it's me.....
Please tell me
I'll change..

Let's together break the walls
Walls that kept us this way


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Only You Know Me

You know when I'm lying
You know why I've been moody
You know what's in my mind
You know that I've been crying alot

but even you know it

You just lemme keep on  lying
You dont even want to cheer my up
You still cant do what I want

Doesnt it still the same?? Whether you know it or not
It's just the same
And I think it's better you dont

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kaichou wa maid-sama ( Anime )


Seika High School, once an all-boys school notorious for its wild students and for generally being a terrifying place for girls, has recently become a co-ed school. With the female population still a minority and living in fear of the over-the-top antics of the males, Misaki Ayuzawa takes it into her own hands to reform the school and allow the girls to feel safe in the rough environment.
Training, studying and even becoming the first female student council president of the school, Misaki has gained a reputation among the male students body as an uptight boy-hating dictator and as a shining hope for the teachers and fellow female students. However, despite her tough-as-nails appearance, she secretly works part-time at a maid cafe in order to support her family. Unfortunately, her hard-earned reputation is threatened when the popular, attractive, and somewhat impassive Takumi Usui takes an interest in her after discovering her in a maid uniform after school.

comment --> good and interesting.....luv the heroin sooo much!! they were meant together <3

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Buat Jugak!

Manusia ni mmg dilahirkan dgn sifat ingin tahu
Kalo dilarang makin dier nk buat
X caye??? ok fine

kalo aq kate

" jgn bygkan gajah bertompok hijau duduk atas kereta kancil merah"

mesti korang wat jugak en...
x yah nk nipu aq la

manusia ni mmg camni
suke sgt x dgr ckp

Ape nk jadik la ngn korang ni
Kalo bukan hal ko jgn la masok cmpr
Kalo hal peribadi org jgn la nyebok amek tau
Kengkadang org boleh bengang + annoyed tau x

But, it cant help right.....cause it's human being, wanna know thing
It have good side too.....



Kalo x tau kite tanye org.......
Jgn la wat cam tau
Tu namenye bongok sombong!

Tapi kalo da masok ttg mende x senunuh tu jgn la menggataii nk tanye


" wei, ape maksud cikaro? "
" wei, bohsia tu pe? "

jgn la menggedik cam bodoh sgt
da tau tu diam2 je la
yg hang menggataii tanye nape??

tu la bebudak zaman skang

Kengkawan & Famili

Kalo kawan/famili yg muke cam saket tu tanye la
Jgn la biarkan je
Sebagai kawan yg bek kene la prihatin sket
Tah2 dier ade problem ke
Ni x.....biar je
Kate kawan
What friends 4 huh?? kalo kawan 100 pon kalo mase susah x de wat pe??
x kan la 100 tu buat kawan glak je....susah payah mesti la same2

At least just hear the problem, it's okey if u cant help
Maybe he/she spit it out, he/she will feel better
That's what friends 4!
Hear that kinda stuff
N maybe comfort her/ him a lil'
I'm sure she/he will glad u r there
Even u just listening

Mcm yg aq ckp tadi.........
Sikap amik tahu ade good side n bad side
Ape salahnye kite buat yg good side??

Yg bad side tu x yah la buat
Sikap camtu hanya akan buat your friend get fedup with u

"Friends brings happiness,
 They'll make u laugh
 If u dont have any
 It's such a waste
 Cause friends are important"


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wedding Ceremony Pak Su

5 Disember 2010

Kitorang sekeluarga bertolak kul 3 pagi....awal gler tu, 10 minute seblom pergi tu aq masih on9 fb.....ayah ttibe je kate nak pegi awal, so x de pilihan len ar...pegi gak.. Dlm kete aq ngan adek2 nyanyi la lagu yg kitorang tau...mmg best, cume bile part aq nyanyi solo gerenti x de saper bagi perhatian , kuang asam punye adek....x per, aq sabar

Sampai kul 5 lebih, mule2 umi suroh tido.....takot ade, tapi slame ni aq tido lambat kol 3 or 4 x de masalah pon....jadik disbbkan  aq x dpt tido, aq berbual la ngan atok....atok skang ni da makin kurus, takot nak urut tgn atok sbb takot patah.....dulu aq ngan adek beradek slalu dok umah atok...disbbkan da jarang gler melawat atok aq kureng rapat ngan atok n kureng tau ttg perkembangan atok, but still aq sayang gler ngan atok.....syg gler gler

Lepas sembahyang subuh , bace komik @ manga, mmg aq sengaja bwk sbb takot bace la, hahahhaah, terkekeh kekeh aq bace komik tu..sampai kan atok pon pelik, lawak gler dowh komik tu, x leh tahan ketawa..

Kitorang pegi majlis akad nikah tu kol 10 lebih, Pak Su la yg lambat nye...nunggu die je da nak kat setgh jam, nak kate make up pakai blusher n lipstick tu x de la...abis tu nape lmbt sgt??? pon x tau, hanye yg nak kawin je yg tau, maybe nervous kot...kot je la

Sampai kat masjid tu dah kol 10 lebih da, pastu tunggu bout half an hour lagi, x tau sbb pe...yg aq nampak umi amik air wuduk n solat, maybe wat solat hajat kot sbb waktu zuhur blom masok tau umi nak doakan  kebahagiaan adek bongsu die.....tu sbb umi wat solat hajat

Mase akad nikah tu aq x perasan sgt, sbb aq tgh mengelamun.....x ingat sbb ape,yg pasti seblom tu aq slalu tgk reaksi Mak Su ( isteri Pak Su ) ...tgk2 da sah, pastu imam bagi taklimat ke ape tah....ttg talak n peranan suami ,tanggungjawab suami n isteri....lebih kurang cam tu ar

Lepas habis sume tu atok solat...x tau solat pe.....diikuti lak ngan Pak Su, aq perhatikan mmg camtu, kalo ngan org yg aq kenal aq mmg kepoh, tapi ngan strangers aq mmg pendiam, disbbkan umi dgn adek2 nye, aq dok sorang je la........ aq tgk je Pak Su, lepas habis solat Pak Su tadah tgn berdoa, mase tu gak lah aq sebak...x tau nape, yg geram da tahan air mata da tapi kuar gak....lepas Pak Su habis doa aq berjaye gak kawal emosi aq.....

Lepas acara batal kan air sembahyang aq boleh tahan nangis lagi, tapi x tau mase bile aq da meleleh da.....
mcm waterfall....shuuuu, shuuuuu...sume turun, laju lak tu. Aq mmg x sangke akan nangis, sbb aq ni slalu nye seorang yg lasak, brutal n org mmg pelik tgk aq nangis......mase nak amik gmbr tu aq nangis lagi, bole dikatekan lebih 10 minit dah aq nangis, pastu umi dtg pelok, nak tenang kan aq....pastu air mate pon kurang la sket....pastu x tau bile air mate tu turun lagi....lebih laju, mase tu mmg aq da malu gler, opah lak pelok aq, sume yg tgk menangis ( Pak Su la kate, aq x tau pon sbb aq fokus sgt ngan nangis tu) pastu Pak Su dtg.....ngan Mak Su...dari tadi dier da tgk aq da, tadi dier tanye " Nape Ecah nangis? Pak Su kawin dier lak yg nangis" dgn selambe nye Pak Su pon x tau nape emotional sgt mase tu, pastu Pak Su pon dtg pelok....mase tu mmg sebak gler2........ mase Pak Su pelok aq tu, aq dpt rase yg aq akan kehilangan dier....sedih sgt, aq terhincut2 nangis, opah pon nangis, Pak Su....x yah kate ar, mesti la dier nangis tgk anak sedara die nangis sbb dier kan.....pastu Pak Su suroh amik gmbr ngan Mak Su ngan Pak Su.... aq x nak, x cun ar amik gmbr mase nangis...tapi mase tu gak la, Aida , Kak Ika ( cousin) amik gmbr aq ...malu nye.....da la aq masih menangis mse tu...x ayu gler dowh, yg pasti aq bersyukor sbb x de , kuar hingus....hahahha, x dpt aq bygkan kalo kaur hingus, mesti malu gler dowh.......

Sekian..terima kasih...
bye, bye...

note: kpd Pak Su n Mak Su, saye ucap kan SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU......
         dr hati yg ikhlas saya doakan kebahagiaan rumah tangga Pak Su n Mak Su....
         saya syg Pak Su, Mak Su tolong jaga Pak Su elok2 key


Pak Su n Mak Su ♥♥♥

Friday, February 11, 2011

By Hero (manga-oneshot)

Sendrick is a bird that hates humans more than anything.

They're annoying, rude, and violent.

Whenever he can, he keeps his distance away from him.

But what happens when he accidentally falls onto a human?

comment: the drawing were amazing n coollll!!! must read